
July 20, 2021

Ep. 57 — Brian Muraresku: Unravelling History's Best Kept Secret

In this episode of Infinite Loops we speak with Brian Muraresku, New York Times Best Selling author of "The Immortality Key: the Secret History of the Religion with No Name". We discuss: 1. Role of women in early Christianity 2. Mysticism of the ancient wine 3. The political war on…

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July 13, 2021

Ep. 56 — Dan Rasmussen: Crises Investing

In this episode of Infinite Loops we speak with Dan Rasmussen, Founder and CIO of Verdad Advisers. We discuss: 1. Bubbles vs. Crises 2. Investing in Emerging Markets 3. Identifying when "value investing" works, and when it doesn't 4. Theory vs. Practice 5. And a LOT more! Follow Dan on…

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July 11, 2021

Ep. 55 — Denise Shull: Making Intuition Work For You

In this episode of Infinite Loops we speak with Denise Shull, a Performance and Strategy advisor and Founder at The Rethink Group. We talk about: 1. Role of emotions in trading and investing 2. Could Daniel Kahneman be wrong? 3. Imprinting and Emotional Granularity 4. Standing up for yourself (Denise…

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